Limited Liability Company “NSplav” (“NAlloy) is an innovative export-oriented enterprise established in December 2016 in Novotroitsk, Orenburg Region, Russia: 95% of the production is supplied to countries of Europe and Asia, and to USA, for different spheres of industry: metallurgy, production of superalloys and steels, electronics, automobile and aerospace industry, heavy engineering and machine building of different kinds (general, chemical, oil and gas, nuclear, etc.).
For today the plant is specializing in production of chromium metal (lumps and powder) and chromium briquettes degassed. Besides, the by-product of the plant is crushed stone received from the slag, generated during chromium metal melting.
High quality of production made by LLC “NSplav” is ensured by the complex of the modern state-of-the art equipment, which main feature is high degree of automation and accuracy of operations with minimum employment of human labour, as well as by the plant staff and operation personnel presented by young prospective specialists, having work experience in different spheres of industry.
In future it is planed to enlarge the production range of the plant by implementing production of different ferro-alloys, chromium oxide and aluminium powder.
LLC “NSplav” is a reliable partner, performing his liabilities at a high quality and in due time.